What to do when a prospect tells you no? Most often objections, which negatively affect the number of sales, arise because of three reasons. The first is indecision, the second is distrust of the seller, and the third is that the product does not match your desires. In these cases you can work with objections with the help of competent phrases and answers.

First, it is necessary to find out the real reason for refusal. Most often it is not voiced. It may differ considerably from the words of the potential buyer. Are there ready-made tactics for working with objections? Psychologists say that there are. These recommendations are discussed in the article. There are also tips for getting out of a conversation quickly when things don’t work out.

Prospect Tells You No: How To Be

Objections from potential clients are like eating away at the brain. They interfere with further discussion of the topic and the conclusion of the deal. In this case, the seller should not regret the wasted time. Some deals cannot be closed even if there is an understanding. In such a situation, you can ask for feedback. This will allow the seller to understand why exactly the person refuses.

Common objections are better divided into types. The first relates to pricing (for example, when there is no budget to purchase a product). This type can arise for two reasons. One is the risk of investing in the proposed solution. The second is the lack of value. In these situations, it’s better to talk about case studies to support the product.

Is it worth offering a discount or a cheaper counterpart? Only if the customer has no money. You can use off-the-shelf suggestion software. The options that are better to offer a potential client are shown immediately after the update.

Sometimes objections have to do with time. Sometimes the person says he or she is willing to consider the product later. Arguments may mention a specific year or month. In the first case, it is better to end the conversation nicely. In the second, it is better to offer the client a discount or sale on credit.

What to do if the product does not meet the wishes of the potential buyer? Why does this happen? Does the product not have enough functions? Are there clear instructions for use?

These may include:

  • practical manuals;
  • user manuals;

If so, it is easier to get acquainted with the product. In some cases, it is better for the potential customer to offer another product that is available in the store. The best option is to offer the best solution.

Another type of objection is distrust of the company. To overcome this situation, you need to make contact with people. At the first stage it is recommended to listen carefully to each of them. In the second – to provide solid arguments. You need to know your competitors well in order to compare the products you sell with their counterparts. It is not recommended to discredit the latter. Because of this, the seller may look insecure.

There is no need to be offended by a refusal. The right reaction to the word “no” allows you to move forward with confidence. Keeping it friendly is an opportunity to get rid of the appearance of guilt. In doing so, people think their choice is the right one.

What Can Be Found on the Pandadoc Blog?

The blog of the company Pandadoc has effective recommendations for working with objections. Five sales tactics are described in detail.

  1. Identify the real reason for the refusal.
  2. Use an active hearing.
  3. Reflect the objection.
  4. Use evidence and data.
  5. Adapt the offer if it is necessary.

In the first case, you can ask questions to identify inconsistencies. For example, ask them to talk about their concerns. In order not to sound formulaic, it is better to use your own words. The interlocutor should be given time to give a precise answer, and listen to him carefully. There is no need to rush the potential buyer.

It is better to repeat the objection after the potential buyer. In this case, the seller will understand that he correctly understood the thought. The client – that he was heard. It is advised to use evidence (customer success stories, case studies, presentations) to deal with objections.

In case of non-compliance of the product, it is necessary to adapt it. For example – finding and offering a product with which to solve the problem. If the budget does not match, it is desirable to offer a discount. More difficult if there is no need to purchase the product urgently. If it is impossible to turn the rejection into a “yes,” it is necessary to end the conversation nicely.


How to work with objections qualitatively? It is necessary to try to turn “no” into “yes”. To do this, salespeople should follow a few guidelines. If the refusals are unambiguous, they can be considered with their team as an example. For example, common reasons are identified.

Are there opportunities to address them? Can we offer potential customers something truly effective? How can you improve sales and positively influence their numbers? By answering these questions, you can learn how to deal with objections in a qualitative way.