Product Page Ideas: The product page of any eCommerce website plays a pivotal role in influencing customer’s decisions about buying or passing up the product. It is the page that contributes most to increasing conversion rate.

A brand can keep unique products, design a seamless checkout process, run highly targeted ads, and even receive a vast amount of traffic on its website—however, in the absence of optimized product pages, the sales will not skyrocket for the company.

Your product pages are like the physical brick-and-mortar store for visitors and customers where they come face-to-face with your product pictures and descriptions. Thus, one shouldn’t neglect this critical web page as it influentially affects conversions and sales.

To entice people to click or tap, add to cart buttons, a web developer must think strategically and work on every tiny detail of the product pages, such as images, videos, layout, colors, font, product copy, etc.

For helping you get started on optimizing your product pages and improving your eCommerce conversion rate, we’ve gathered the top 10 proven product page ideas which will be of immense help when you design your product pages.

Top 10 Proven Product-Page Ideas To Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

1. Improve Product Photography

Product images are the most crucial element of any product page. Failure to upload high-resolution and visually appealing images will make your conversions fall flat, and consequently, the revenue will not soar high.

Since visitors cannot hold, touch, or try on products in an online store, amazon product photography services perform the job of convincing them and enticing them to add products to their carts.

proven product page

Your visitors will take only 7 seconds or even less form an opinion about your products and brand. Thus, make sure that your product photographs are powerful enough to tempt prospects to get their hands on the remarkable products. Be detail-oriented about your product images as they can make or break your conversion game.

Always photograph your products in good lighting to get clear pictures for your visitors. In addition, take numerous shots from different angles. Since your potential customers cannot hold the product and examine it, images on the product page should satisfy them and give a clear idea about the product.

Also, upload lifestyle shots on product pages. Lifestyle shots provide context and give customers an idea about how the product looks when worn or used by them. For example, a store selling sunglasses can upload lifestyle shots to allow users to see how the glasses would look when worn by a man.

2. Add Trust Signals

Will you go to a store that looks shady and suspicious, or would you prefer a trustworthy and credible shop?

Of course, you’ll choose the latter one. No person would like to do business with a store that doesn’t appear professional and credible. Similar is the case in the online world scenario.

Adding trust signals to your website makes it easier for new potential audiences to trust you and do not hesitate to buy a thing or two from your store.

Trust signals are the cues that convince visitors that your website is safe, legal, and not fraudulent.

Here’s how you can include trust signals to your eCommerce store:

a) Include Your Company’s Address And Contact Details

Providing essential information about your company serves as a trust signal on your website. The audience can be relieved to have access to your contact information if they have any queries, concerns, or complaints about the product or service.

Even if you don’t have a physical office, add the contact details such as your telephone or mobile number and email address.  You can also attach the link to your social media handles on your information page.

b) Include Legal Pages In Your Main Menu

Ensure to add boring yet legal pages to your website, such as ‘Terms and Conditions, ‘Privacy Policy‘, etc., to your website. While these pages aren’t exactly fun to read, their presence improves your business’s credibility and makes it appear trustworthy to the audience.

c) Display Trust Badges

Credit card fraud, breach of data, a threat to personal information, etc., are common cyber-crimes these days. Customers are hesitant to enter their confidential information on a website if it doesn’t appear credible.

Hence, invest in trust seals that display your website’s credibility. Some of the most popular trust badges include:

  • PayPal Verified
  • Norton Secured
  • McAfee Secure
  • SSL Certificate
  • Credit card badges
  • Google Trusted Store
  • VeriSign

3. Display Customer Testimonials

Positive reviews from customers are an invaluable asset for any business. Suppose a customer shares good things about the company or highlights the positive aspects of the product. In that case, it can encourage many other prospective customers to try that product and avail the same benefit.

Hence, if your customers have reviewed your products, do not keep them with yourself, instead share them with your website visitors.

Read the following stats that highlight the importance of customer reviews:

  • Customer testimonials are the third most trusted form of marketing.
  • 95% of online buyers read online reviews before purchasing goods online.
  • Strategically displaying customer reviews can boost conversion rates by 270%.
  • 72% of consumers do not take any action until they have read a few reviews.
  • 84% of prospects trust online reviews like personal recommendations.

If possible, attach the pictures of the people who have reviewed the product; it establishes credibility, and the reviews are not deemed fake or paid. Moreover, place them where your prospects can see them. Do not dump them in the hidden corner of the screen where visitors won’t probably look.

In addition, if a customer has left a negative review on your website, do not remove it. Instead, respond to that customer courteously and professionally, offer them a feasible solution for their problem. When visitors see that you have top-notch customer service and respond professionally, it will help your business convert more audience into your eCommerce store.

4. Write Compelling Product Description 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Yet, in the case of eCommerce product pages, you need to use the power of words to target your audience.

Pictures, without a speck of doubt, play an integral role in converting the potential audience. However, a compelling product description works to give the customer a little push to add the products to his cart without any doubts.

The arena of eCommerce is highly competitive. There are around 12 million to 24 million online stores across the globe. There is a high chance that hundreds of other stores are dealing in the same commodity as your business. Thus, you have to select your words wisely to convince your audience.

Keep in mind the following aspects while drafting a compelling product description:

a) Optimize For SEO

Search engine result pages are an excellent channel to appear in front of your potential audience. Thus, make sure to include your primary keywords in the product description. If your content is optimized for the right keywords, people will find you more easily on result pages and head over to your website.

b) Write For Your Audience 

Your potential audience will read your product description. Therefore, stop raving about the competency of your product in the market; instead, impart them with information that is beneficial for them. Inform your customers about the key characteristics of your product, such as its size, height, weight, the fabric used, etc.

Use a suitable tone for your audience that resonates with their personality and your products. For instance, a brand selling baby items would use a friendly tone yet promoting safety and comfort for babies through their products.

5. Include Live Chat Feature

Unlike a physical store, prospects cannot connect with a sales rep face to face while viewing products online. But, thanks to the latest technology, visitors can now talk to the sales rep just by tapping the chatbox.

Integrating a chat box is essential on all important web pages, especially product pages. If a customer has any query or concern, he can quickly ask the chat agent without taking the formal approach of emails or calls.

Don’t worry. You don’t have to build the chatbox on your website from scratch. There are many chatbox plugins and tools available online that can be easily integrated with your website.

Make sure to customize the layout of your chat box according to the appearance of your website. The chatbox should look like a part of your website and mustn’t appear as something alien on your product pages.

6. Add Social Proof

Social proof implies to your potential audience how popular and reputable your brand is in the market. For example, customer reviews are one of the types of social proof. It convinces the prospective audience that the brand is worth investing in.

However, there are many other ways to establish social proof and let your audience know that you are pretty renowned amongst your loyal customers.

  • Mention how many likes a product has received, how many times it has been shared and retweeted, etc.
  • Display pictures of your happy customers using your product on your website.
  • List the names of renowned businesses that are your customers.
  • Mention the number of customers you are serving in the market.

7. Leverage The Scarcity Principle

This tip involves a psychological tactic to optimize your product pages and increase conversions. Scarcity creates an urgency that compels people to act promptly. When a customer can purchase a product 2 weeks later, or even 2 years later, why would he buy it today right?

You have to give a solid reason to customers to act faster and purchase products. The best reason out of all can be a scarcity of products. When a customer would sense the shortages of products, he would take less time to decide about buying the product and eventually take the action that would be favorable for you.

Some of the common ways of creating scarcity are as follows:

  • Display the number of items left in stock. The depleting number of stock will make the customer hurry up and purchase the product.
  • Use the words like Limited Edition, Flash Sale, 24-hour day sale, , to make it difficult for your customer to resist clicking the buy now button.
  • Display the number of people viewing the product. When many people are eyeing the same product, serious buyers hurry up and save themselves from the FOMO.

8. Include Irresistible CTAs

CTAs are the most important part of any product page. It is the CTA, which pushes the visitor one step ahead of becoming a company’s customer. Hence, this important element of your page must be crafted with great attention.

Your CTAs should create a high contrast with your page. For example, a black CTA for a white webpage or a green CTA for a dark blue background. In addition, make your CTAs big and clear for visitors to notice and press them. Small CTAs, with tiny fonts, often go unnoticed, which refrains the visitors from converting into customers.

9. Upsell And Cross-Sell

Upsell and cross-sell are common tactics deployed by marketers to increase the average value of their orders. It also tricks the customer into buying more or buying a pricier version of the good that caught their eye.

Making proper recommendations to customers on product pages increases the probability of more conversions and sales.

Upsell refers to suggesting the customer spend a few extra dollars and upgrade their current purchase. For example, if a person has purchased a trench coat for $30, a marketer can recommend a trench coat with a hood for $35. The customer won’t mind spending an extra $5 to purchase the coat with a hood.

Cross-selling means displaying the items that complement the customer’s purchase. For example, if a person has purchased an aquarium at an online store, he can be shown water pumps, filters, other accessories, etc. It will let him know that the store sells aquarium supplies too. In addition, he might end up buying all the relevant aquarium accessories from the same store.

However, ensure not to add too many products. It will confuse the customer, and he might not buy what you want him to.

10. Decrease Page Loading Time

product page - page loading

How long would you wait for a web page to load before you hit the back button of your browser?

The majority of the online users wait only for 3 seconds for a web page to load before they abandon it. If a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, it can bid farewell to a good chunk of traffic at its store.

Here are some tips to make your website load faster and keep up with the fast pace of your customers:

  1. Use reliable hosting that can handle a huge amount of traffic and load websites quickly.
  2. Compress your code files and images across the website.
  3. Check for broken links on your website. If any, rectify it at your earliest.
  4. Make your website responsive to mobile devices.
  5. If your website is built on WordPress, Shopify, or other CMS, select a fast and mobile-friendly theme.
  6. Uninstall the plugins that you no longer use or the ones which add tremendous load to web pages.

A fast-loading webpage ensures that the maximum audience gets to visit your website and explore the range of products you have in-store.

Final Words

The product page is an important page of a website that plays a key role in converting visitors into customers. We hope that the tips and ideas shared above help you design a product page that is high converting and boosts your eCommerce sales.

Good Luck!

Author Bio:

Ricky hayes author

Ricky Hayes is the Co-Founder and Head of Marketing at Debutify – a free Shopify theme, helping dropshippers build high-converting stores in minutes. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.