New Instagram Feed: Instagram has just rolled out a new feature that allows you to see a combined feed of the people you follow and the people you have favorited. This is a great way to keep up with the people you care about on Instagram, and it’s also a great way to discover new people and new content.

To access this new feature, just go to your profile and tap on the “Following and Favorites” tab. You’ll see a combined feed of all the people you follow and all the people you have favorited.

This new feature is a great way to keep up with the people you care about on Instagram. So, go check it out and start following and favoriting away!


You can now follow and star favorite posts from the Instagram Feed in the same way you do on Instagram. When you follow or favorite a post, you’ll be able to see who’s liked or commented on your photo in the Instagram app.

You can also star/save posts from accounts you want to follow or want to see more of, without following them back. You’ll see these posts in the Instagram Feed, and you can tap any post to see more about it or tap the heart icon to give it a look.

Following And Favorites: What Are They?

Following And Favorites

Following and Favorites, which allow users to peruse posts from all of their followers’ profiles in backward sequential, or in a personalized list. The new capabilities are in addition to the normal home interface, and people can now move between the Home, Following, and Favorites feed formats with ease.

Users can browse the updates of everybody they watch by clicking Following, beginning with the very current one.

The Favorites option functions in the identical chronological sequence as the main feed, but it restricts the feed to a limit of 50 accounts that you can edit at any time. Updates from your Favorites group would show at the top of your main page and will have a star mark.

For Instagram accounts, the existing Main view, which ranks stuff based on what the analytics think you’d like to see the majority, remains the standard.

So you need not worry, the way you’ve been seeing your Instagram feed won’t change. Following and Favorites, on the other hand, could be for you if you need a unique approach to see the most recent stuff from everybody you follow, or a customized choice of 50 Instagram profiles.

Following and Favorites: What’s the Difference?


When you first use the Instagram application, you’ll see a primary feed of photographs and videos posted by individuals you like. There are also recommended posts and advertisements in the stream.

Many people have expressed dissatisfaction with the feed, particularly with Instagram’s automated ordering. Instagram has introduced two new ways for users to categorize their feeds in an attempt to address their complaints.

Following: View the most recent posts from all of the profiles you follow in chronological sequence.

Favorites: You can star up to 50 accounts so that their updates appear first on your home page. Those posts are also available in a distinct “Favorites” stream, which begins with the most recent one.

How to Switch Between the Favorite Feed and the Following Feed?

Open the newest update of the Instagram phone application and follow these instructions to shift among the Favorites and Following feeds:

  • In the upper left section of your main tab, press Instagram.
  • To view updates from accounts you’ve starred, go to Favorites.
  • Alternatively, pick Following to see the most recent posts from all of the accounts you’ve chosen to follow.

Instagram has begun putting more material that the application’s system promotes into people’s feeds in recent years, even if they haven’t followed it.  Users’ need for more influence over what they view has grown as a result.

Even if users profess to despise the system, Instagram’s private analysis suggests they prefer it, “so we’re not forcing anyone into a chronological feed experience,” according to the company’s statement.

How to Add Anyone To Favorites?


You could include up to 50 accounts to your Favorites list by starting them or adding them to your Favorites list. The other people who are included or withdrawn, would not be informed.  Then you can browse to your Favorites stream to check what your favorite people have been up to.

Open the newest update of the Instagram phone application and follow these instructions to include Instagram profiles in your Favorites list:

  • Alongside a piece in your timeline, press the three-dot sign.
  • To add a profile to your favorites, select Add to Favorites.

You may also modify your favorites by touching the Star icon over a favorite piece in your timeline and then selecting Manage Favorites.

So, if you’re an influencer, it’s always the best idea to request your followers to add your account to their favorites. And if you’re concerned about the likes, then you can start off by getting 10 free likes on Instagram from MegaFamous.

How Does the ‘Favorite’ Feature Works?

Favorites Feature

Instagram is a social media site consisting of photographs and videos from people you follow and also has posts from the users that other people follow. Instagram will continually update your feed with additional suggestions related to your preferences.

Keeping up with your favorite profiles, or the profiles you follow, is now easier and much more efficient with Favorites and Following.

Favorites display the most recent activity from accounts you select, such as your best friends and favorite creators. Additionally, posts from accounts in your Favorites will appear higher in your home feed.

Following displays posts from the people you’ve chosen to follow. Both Favorites and Following will display posts in chronological order, allowing you to follow up on new posts easily. To view the very new updates from the profiles you’ve put on your favorites list, go to Favorites.

You may add up to 50 people to your list, and you can edit it at any moment. When users are added or removed, they are not notified. The star icon indicates that posts from profiles on your favorites list will appear higher on your main page.

What Else is There in 2022?

Instagram 2022

When individuals have been browsing for a particular period of time, a function called ‘Take a Break’ will appear.

“We care about the well-being of young people, therefore we’re working hard to make sure that time spent on Instagram is purposeful and that people like it,” says the company.

In this context, Instagram has announced ‘Take a Break,’ which aims to enhance the Instagram experience. Members will be encouraged to take a break from Instagram, with the suggestion that they create alerts for subsequent breaks.


Instagram keeps coming up with new features and algorithms. These were the two new features Instagram recently launched. Instagram is constantly looking for fresh ideas to make the Instagram journey better for its users.

They keep adding features like Favorites and Following to offer better influence around what users see and let them use your time on the application more intentionally.