Morning People: “We all know that feeling of waking up in the morning and feeling like your head is still heavy with sleep. You can’t seem to get motivated enough to do anything, even though you know you have a busy day ahead of you. “The good news is there are some simple tricks for getting out of bed at the crack of dawn without any regrets.”

Know Your Sleep Cycle

The sleep cycle is essentially an oscillation between the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM (deep) stages of sleep. It can be described as the central sleep cycle, sleep dreaming cycle, or REM-night cycle, to differentiate it from the usual circadian alternation between sleep and waking. In most people, this cyclical cycle normally takes 70 to 110 seconds. In healthy adults, the average duration of the dream phase is about three to five minutes, while in sleep, the duration is longer.

Know your sleep cycle

  • There are several major differences between the normal sleep cycles of humans and animals. While most animals enter stage two of sleep when they are physically asleep, humans go through three different cycles between stage one and stage two of sleep, called a sleep-wake cycle. At this time, the pineal gland also secretes what are called neuropeptides, which are primarily involved in the processing of information sent to the brain by the eyes, including the timing of eye movement, facial expression, and muscle twitching. Fall Asleep in 60 Sec is done when you are about to go into a deep sleep.
  • The second of the sleep cycles, the REM or rapid eye movement phase, lasts for several minutes, during which the person is awake, but the body is in a state of hyper-agitation, accompanied by rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, and accelerated metabolism. The third stage of sleep cycles, also known as the dream stage, occurs during the time the person is dreaming, and the brain is in a highly creative state. The Naps occur during the last stage of sleep cycles. During the nap, the mind and body are calm, allowing it to enter a highly receptive state to recall and memorize information that has been previously stored.
  • In addition to the obvious relationship between work and home, there is a close link between work-related stress, like work-related insomnia, and the development of sleep disorders. The relationship between stress and insomnia is very strong, especially among women. According to recent studies, women are twice as likely as men to have chronic insomnia, which can become disabling and even life-threatening. One of the more common forms of insomnia is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized by pauses in breathing during the sleep cycle and is usually associated with poor cardiovascular health. This condition can be life-threatening for people with severe cases and is the leading cause of disability among workers involved in the construction field.
  • The four stages of the sleep cycle involve; stage one is rapid eye movement sleep (REMS), stage two is non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) stage three which is also known as rapid eye movement sleep (REMS plus) stage four which is the deepest stage of sleep in which the most activities occur. Although the body can sleep on the first two stages of sleep it is usually broken down and only enters the third stage during the Naps. Many things influence the speed of the sleep cycle. It usually depends on the amount of relaxation that is achieved. For instance, if someone is very stressed out and is sleeping in a contorted position, it will take much longer to enter stage three than it would if they were sleeping in a more relaxed position.

Our sleep cycles and the four stages of sleep vary depending on our physical and mental condition and even our genetic makeup. One way to achieve better sleep quality is to avoid substances that negatively affect our sleep cycles such as caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes. Also, avoid taking medication that affects our REMs.

Pick an alarm that isn’t the worst

Pick an alarm that isn’t the worst. When we look for a smoke alarm or a security alarm we tend to look for one that is the loudest, most obnoxious, and the most difficult to install. While I am sure that many people would love to own such an alarm it does not have to be the case. There are many great quality alarms that arent the loudest, most obnoxious, or hard to set up. They also happen to be some of the best devices that can protect your home and family. If you eat before bed very late then it’s very lazy to wake up in the morning.

Go To Bed Extra Early

One of the many things that can cause insomnia is going to bed early or going to sleep too early. Insomnia is defined as having difficulties sleeping no matter how hard you try to fall asleep or how tired you are before you go to sleep. People who have trouble getting to sleep at night usually do everything in their power to make it to sleep, including using multiple products on a nightly basis, reading multiple books, doing physical activities all night, and even eating excessively over the day. If you want to know how to go to bed extra early so that you can get to sleep soundly each night, there are a few different things that you can do.

One way that you can go to bed extra early is by making sure that you are awake long enough to be able to fall asleep. Many people often worry about being able to sleep soundly and they worry about waking up too early in the morning but the fact of the matter is that your body needs to be fully awake to go to sleep.


Every morning, you have to decide whether or not you want to be awake. If you’re like most people and getting up in the morning is a struggle for you, try these 6 tips from other early birds who are always on time! You may find that being an “early bird” could improve your quality of life by letting more natural light into your day and boosting productivity before work the work-related work-related threatening life life-threatening