The influx of remote work has also led to an increase in cyberattacks.  You need to make sure your online systems are secure and all your data is protected. Cyber attackers look for the weak link in organisations that do not use reliable cloud backups. All of your passwords might be the same, or your antivirus software may be outdated. You need to stay on top of your tech and keep your employees and clients safe from cyber threats.

In 2020, cyberattacks skyrocketed as businesses began to rely on technology to communicate and transfer information. A cyber attacker could access confidential information about your clients, investors and employees. A data leak can damage your reputation and trustworthiness. Investors may stop working with you, and customers may feel uncomfortable passing over their home address and bank details.

Here are a few ways you can protect your business against a cyber-attack.

Create a strong password

You should update your company passwords every few months. Your passwords should be unique combinations of lower and uppercase letters, special characters, and numbers. You could use a password generator to create random combinations for you. Remind employees to change their passwords regularly and never to use the same combination for multiple accounts.

These days we have so many passwords that it can be near impossible to remember them all. Keep your passwords stored in a password vault instead of writing them down.

Get a strong antivirus software

Every business needs high-quality antivirus software to cover all devices used on your business network. Your employees may have their personal phones linked to business accounts and emails. These devices should also be managed and protected. A cyber-attack can use these personal devices to access company software.

Get experts to help

Cyberthreats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. If you are unfamiliar with cyber security, seek help from an expert to protect your company. They can teach you about ransomware attacks, the financial penalties imposed by GDPR and much more.

Educate your staff

You need to educate yourself and your team on cybersecurity. Your employees should be aware of basic cybersecurity protocols. For example, they should know how to spot a phishing email and how to dispose of it. Provide regular cyber security training and ask an expert to go through the basics with them. Education can reduce the risk of cyberattacks and help your staff to manage their personal cybersecurity as well.

Keep your business secure and establish a cybersecurity strategy.