Online Marketing: Regardless of whether you are a retailer, service provider, or start-up – the importance of having your own online shop is steadily increasing for many companies. An electronic shop window increases the loyalty of existing customers as an information channel. And as a sales strategy, an online shop is irreplaceable for acquiring new customers far beyond the regional catchment area.

Specialists, in particular with a wide range and a clear topic profile, benefit immensely. This applies irrespective of the economic focus of the business. As long as the online presence is supported with a marketing strategy that complements the products or services provided, you will attain increased visibility online. For example, companies like MediCredit (800-823-2318) provide debt collection services related to medical debt, this is a specialised business niche. With the right strategy even a medical debt collections agency can obtain the exposure it needs to thrive in its own industry. The marketing on the Internet, however, is subject to different principles than offline. Even if many instruments from the classic marketing mix on the Internet are similar, an online shop provider needs special know-how for the electronic variants.

Online Marketing Mix Drives the Customer Journey to the Point of Purchase

As a dealer, craftsman, or service provider, you know your customers and know that they go through various stages before buying a product or order a service. Therefore, you may already be familiar with the AIDA principle: The step model contains four phases that a customer ideally goes through, which ultimately leads to a purchase decision. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (Act of purchase).

Through advertising in newspapers, radio, TV, and the shop window displays, you accompany the purchase decision and repeatedly set incentives. Similarly, as an online shop operator, you have to accompany the customer journey with other marketing techniques from the online area again and again with purchase signals.

Online marketing

To turn a prospect into an online buyer, you have to influence your internet customers’ internal processes. This process is called conversion in online marketing. Of course, the customer journey on the Internet is also defined with its own terms and stations.

  • Awareness: For the first time, the interested party becomes aware that your online shop exists.
  • Favorability: The potential buyer develops interest and takes your offer on the shortlist; he favors your online shop and your products.
  • Consideration: The potential customer is first considering whether to buy from you.
  • The intent of Purchase: The impulse to buy becomes stronger; the prospect may already fill the shopping cart for a test and find out about your delivery and payment conditions.
  • Conversion: The customer fills the shopping cart in your online shop, orders, pays, and looks forward to the delivery.

Each Section of the Trip has its Own Specific Marketing Tools

For each of the five stages, you need to use the right marketing tool for your online offer. With hundreds of thousands of online shops, awareness is almost the greatest challenge. The most important goal is, therefore, a good presence on Google in the generic search results.

Those who design their website and online shop according to the rules of search engine optimization (SEO) land in the top positions. SEO includes content-related measures such as the optimal use of keywords and text length, which should be used for a fair assessment by Google.

Besides, Google ranks those pages that also look optimal on mobile devices. For this, one side has to come with today’s responsive web design. In addition to SEO, SEA (Search Engine Advertising) belongs in a website operator’s marketing mix.

SEA is the generic term for ads that you can book on Google and Google partners. The small text ads appear above or below the generic search results or on the right as so-called Google Shopping Ads that lead directly to individual products. So, you are in an ideal position to raise awareness of your customers.

This is exactly the effect that banner ads on other websites that your target groups use can have. If you mainly want to address a regional target group, you can, for example, place advertisements on regional websites.


Modern online marketing offers many instruments to accompany the customer journey through to the purchase. However, you should always plan your marketing measures in such a way that you also reach your target group.

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