Images are the heroes that many of us don’t know about. These heroes are the ones that can contribute a lot to search engine optimization and driving more traffic to your website. In this blog, we would be giving you some insights about how image SEO drives more traffic to your site and how you can optimize your images for a website. We would also tell you about the importance of image search techniques in modern seo and the top tools you must try when planning on making an image search!

First of all, if you are optimizing an image for Google, you have to be incredibly careful. Google has its specific requirements and a list of factors based on which you have to optimize your website, especially if you want to get to the top of SERPs. The best way to do so is to create or capture your unique images.

Google is always hungry for unique content and adding unique images is the best way to win the search engine’s trust. Sadly, not all of us are professional designers or photographers, so we have to rely on image search techniques to get the best images!

Getting to know About Reverse Image Search Technique

The reverse image search is a search technique that involves inputting the image instead of text to find relevant details. Google first introduced this search technique in the late 90s, after which evolution has developed a lot. Today you can make a reverse image search on more than hundreds of different tools and search engines. You can search an image by using text, you can make a reverse search on the image input, and you can also search by an image by using its URL.

One of the leading reverse image search belongs to Duplichecker. This online image search tool is very friendly and free to use, and you don’t need to be an expert to use this image finder. You need the basic information about using the web to utilize this image search tool on any of your devices. With this reverse image search, you can easily find the best images for your website.

With these images, you have to focus on some other SEO points that we have discussed below!

Find image related keywords

This is quite an important aspect of image optimization. When you have certain images on your website or blog, you have to make sure that they complement the website’s overall layout and its content. Having said that you must also know that you have to always add image related keywords in its caption/code so that the search engine can easily crawl on it. If you add an image of shoes in your content, then these shoes cannot be recognized by the search engine until and unless you add a keyword in their code. Focusing on image related keywords is an especially important aspect of seo.

Use relevant images

This is very obvious advice that you would get from all the leading seo experts. When you are creating or hunting an image, you consider the text you have on your website in the background. One should know that using relevant images to text is the key to success. Suppose you are not focusing on the relevancy aspect. In that case, you can never win the trust of the search engine or the audience. Rather, this kind of combination of images and text results in a spammy outlook.

Watermark your images

You must mark your images when you are adding them to your website. You must know that today’s risk of image plagiarism has increased a lot as people are always looking for unique images to add on their websites. More than 40% of images available on the internet are duplicated and manipulated from the other percentage. Suppose you want a good seo score and contribution via images. In that case, you have to ensure that you save them from duplication. You can even make a reverse image search on your images and find out if someone is stealing them!

Choosing the Right Format

When you are adding images to your blog or website you have to make sure that they are being added in the format displayed well on all sorts of devices including smartphones, tablets, and conventional desktops. You have to see the specifications of the search engine you are targeting for the image’s format and quality before adding it. With the reverse image search, you can easily find out different versions of the same image. You can get the image in different quality, shape and even size. It is also important that you compress your image to a lower size to avoid any lag in the page’s loading!