Commercially Successful App: App development is often cited as being easy these days, with the variety and scope of development tools available it could be mistakenly argued that anyone could do it. Well, I’ll revise that statement, not anyone could do it well. There are a variety of factors to consider when building an app and testing of the app is equally important, so test automation tool provided by is the best UI test automation tool for android apps.

Have a Solid Plan

We need to plan what we want to achieve before we begin. This means we can know what we are looking to make happen in terms of functionality, customer case, and how we are to promote it? You need to take account of funding and where it will come from? If you are using your own money, there needs to be an upper cap on how much you are going to invest. To avoid terminal losses, you must have a well mapped-out revenue stream. How many active users will you require? How are you going to attract new customers? It is essential to get your app on the Apple and Android stores and get as many reviews and mentions online as you can. Let’s take the example of a fictional app that tracks the value of cryptocurrencies as an example.

Test, Test, and Test Again

Customer satisfaction is not something that can be dismissed. For this reason, we must have the app in fully-functioning condition before general release. A thorough Beta testing phase will see that all the bugs and errors are weeded out before we go live. Beta users can be rewarded with free versions and add-ons for the final release to make it worth their while. Issues such as your cryptocurrency valuations not updating could make your app useless, or worse, cause your customers to lose a large amount of money by making the wrong investments.

Monetize it!

Now we need to discuss how the money and resources we’ve put into the development will pay off? There are three ways to achieve this. Firstly, you could charge for the app, this will mean that the content must be either of high quality or unique. Secondly, you could have advertising displayed on the app, this can both allow a free to download product and a revenue creator, be careful to ensure the ads aren’t too invasive.

The third and final way of making money would be to have in-app purchases, extra features, or upgrades, and you could offer a variety of payment methods, as users may come from all over the world. Clearly, in our app that focuses on cryptocurrency, you would want to make this an integral part of the app. You could make it be paid for by bitcoin and even recommend or link to a reputable Bitcoin trader. Allowing your users to easily create a BTC account.

Good Customer Service

Customer satisfaction is the key here. If there are any issues, you need to be on hand to answer them. With the example of cryptocurrency, many of your customers may be new to the concept. So a thorough Q & A explaining the technology and process may be a good idea. You should also carefully monitor messages and emails and ensure any problems are dealt with promptly.

This article has been contributed on behalf of Paxful. However, the information provided herein is not and is not intended to be, investment, financial, or other advice.