Whole stack development is becoming more popular as a result of the increase of web-based applications and the need for developers to have a thorough grasp of the entire technological stack. This is one of the reasons why full stack development was first developed. Recently, there has been a movement toward new technologies and methods that have had a substantial influence on full stack development. This transition has been brought about as a result of recent technological advancements. In this post, we are going to discuss five recent developments that have been seen in full stack development.

1. Architecture with No Need for Servers

Serverless architecture is an approach to building and running applications that is based in the cloud and enables developers to concentrate on the application code and logic rather than the underlying infrastructure. This frees developers from the burden of maintaining and monitoring the infrastructure. Developers only pay for what they need with serverless architecture, making it a cheap alternative for enterprises of all sizes, including start-ups.

2. Scalability

Scalability is one of the primary advantages that comes with using a serverless architecture. Programs that are constructed using a serverless architecture have the ability to autonomously scale up or down in response to changes in demand, eliminating the need for any kind of human intervention. This makes it simpler to manage unexpected spikes in traffic or use, since the infrastructure can automatically change to match the requirements of the application. This makes it possible to handle sudden spikes in traffic or consumption.

3. Simplicity

The simplicity with which serverless architecture may be deployed is another another advantage of using this kind of architecture. Updates to the source code may be deployed fast and simply by developers, eliminating the need for complicated deployment procedures. This frees up the developers’ time so that they may concentrate on creating new features and functionality rather than wasting their time maintaining the infrastructure.

4. Architecture Based on Microservices

Microservices architecture is a method for developing software applications that includes breaking the program down into a number of smaller, self-contained services that may be independently created and deployed. Each service is dedicated to performing a certain function or offering a particular feature, and it connects with the other services through APIs.

5. Flexibility

Flexibility is among the most significant advantages offered by an architecture based on microservices. It is possible for developers to work on separate portions of the program without having their changes ripple over to other areas. Because of this, the scalability of the application is simplified since each service may be scaled individually.

6. Resilient to errors

One other advantage of using an architecture based on microservices is that it is more resilient to errors. Even if one of the services stops working, the application as a whole will not be affected since the other services are able to continue operating on their own. Because of this, it is much simpler to identify and resolve issues inside the application.

7. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps, often known as PWAs, are web-based applications that provide a user experience on mobile devices that is comparable to that of native apps. They are meant to function even when the user is not connected to the internet, to load rapidly, and to give a smooth user experience.

PWAs are gaining popularity in full stack development as they enable developers to create applications that can be used on multiple platforms and devices without the need to develop separate native apps for each platform. This saves developers time and money, both of which are factors that contribute to the rise in popularity of PWAs. Because of this, career as a full-stack web developer, just need to work on and maintain a single codebase, which saves both time and resources.

8. AI and ML (machine learning and artificial intelligence)

Emerging technologies like as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are having a big influence on full stack development. AI and ML are both acronyms that stand for artificial intelligence and machine learning. They are being used in the development of intelligent programs that are capable of understanding and adjusting to the actions of users.

In full stack development, the capacity of AI and ML to automate repetitive operations is one of the most beneficial aspects of using these technologies. Chatbots, for instance, may automate customer support interactions by using natural language processing and machine learning. This frees up human personnel to focus on more difficult duties.

The potential of AI and ML in full stack development to tailor the user experience is another advantage of using these technologies. Apps are able to make advantage of machine learning algorithms to conduct user behavior analysis and give tailored information or suggestions. This enhances the experience for the user and has the potential to result in higher engagement and retention.

9. Low-Code Development

There is a tendency in full stack development that is gaining popularity, and that trend is low-code development. It is a method of developing software that includes creating applications via the use of visual interfaces and tools that allow for drag-and-drop operation.

The use of low-code development is gaining popularity because it enables developers to construct apps more quickly and with less resources than traditional approaches. It also makes it simpler for non-technical stakeholders to participate in the development process since they are able to utilize visual interfaces to create and edit the application. This makes it easier for them to make contributions.


Full stack development is in a state of ongoing evolution, and new techniques and best practices are being developed on a regular basis. We have covered five current developments in full stack development in this post. They are serverless architecture, progressive web applications, microservices architecture, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and low-code development. Developers are able to create apps that are more user-friendly, scalable, and efficient if they keep up with the latest developments in their industry.