If your business relies on a fleet of motor vehicles, you already know how difficult it is to keep track of them, maintain them, and keep them cost effective. Even with good management in place, and consistent processes, it’s all too easy to overlook an inspection, neglect necessary repairs, and end up losing both time and money.

Fleet management software promises to solve some of these issues. But do you understand precisely what it is and how it can benefit you?

What is Fleet Maintenance Software?

Fleet maintenance software is a type of platform that’s designed to make it much easier for a firm to manage everything related to its fleet of cars and trucks. Various types of fleet maintenance software offer different combinations of features, but most of them include some mix of the following:

  • Scheduling and tracking maintenance. This type of software enables you to schedule and track maintenance for your vehicles with ease. You can make sure all your vehicles are inspected and maintained on a regular basis, so they’ll perform optimally and reliably.
  • Automatically alerts employees. Automatic notifications can remind employees to take specific action, which reduces human error in the equation and raises your fleet maintenance consistency.
  • Managing inventory. This software also equips you to manage your inventory, including inventory of parts. This streamlined tracking can save you time and ensures you have access to the latest data in real time.
  • Tracking assets and warranties. You’ll also have the ability to track your assets and warranties. More consistent warranty reimbursement can further reduce your costs.
  • Regulatory compliance. Many fleet maintenance softwares also have features that help you with regulatory compliance. They streamline what can otherwise be a highly complicated and annoying process.
  • Reporting. Built-in reporting features mean fleet maintenance software can automatically generate detailed reports that leaders can use to make more effective decisions.
  • Software integration potential. This type of software also integrates with other platforms your business likely already uses, which will enable you to exchange data and obtain a broader and more detailed picture of how your firm is operating.

The Benefits of Fleet Maintenance Software

Why should your business be using fleet maintenance software? Businesses that have vehicle fleets to manage can use it to:

  • Increase maintenance consistency. Companies that use fleet maintenance software practice maintenance much more consistently. There’s almost no risk of redundant practices, and you can rest assured that all your vehicles are operating reliably.
  • Manage spending on parts. Parts can be expensive. The cost of them will likely fall once you start practicing more consistent maintenance. Proactively managing your spending on parts can reduce those costs even further.
  • Monitor and increase productivity. Fleet maintenance software usually comes with features that allow you to monitor employee productivity. With that data, you can pinpoint potential problems and gradually improve productivity in this facet of your operations as well.
  • Connect other systems. Software integrations can dramatically improve your data transparency and streamline internal operations. Depending on which integrations you can effect, this could potentially enable you to manage everything in one place.
  • Improve business insights. Better operational insights lead to better decisions. When you have access to more data related to your fleet, you’ll be able to lead your firm more effectively.
  • Generate ROI. Ultimately, fleet maintenance software is designed to help you see a positive return on investment (ROI). As a result of the above benefits and more, you should save money and time, generate more revenue, and improve your company’s bottom line by considerably more than what you spent for the platform.

How to Choose Fleet Maintenance Software

So how do you choose the best fleet maintenance software platform for your firm? First, think about your core business needs: What are you trying to achieve, what have you struggled with in the past, and what is your vision for this platform’s use?

From there, you can focus on:

  • Features. Core features are your most important criteria. What can this platform do and how is that going to help your business?
  • Usability. Software usability is another worthwhile consideration. Your leaders and employees will be using this program every day, so it should be intuitive and conducive to productive use.
  • Support and roadmap. Do the developers actively support this platform? Which features are promised in the future? If you encounter a problem with the platform, is there someone you can contact for assistance?
  • Pricing. Finally, think about the price. Can you see a positive ROI from this investment? How might it compare to other platforms in these terms?

Many kinds of fleet maintenance software programs are available, but some are clearly better than others. Although most companies with vehicle fleets can benefit from this type of software, it’s essential to study all the details before you make your selection.