
Ansible is a software tool developed to deliver automation that maintains simplicity and achieves superior performance provisioning cross-platform computers. Furthermore, this automation platform advances to provide futuristic automation solutions for operators, administrators, and IT professionals across different technical disciplines.

How does Ansible Operate:

Ansible consists of two computer categories: the control node and the managed node. The control node is a computer responsible for running the Ansible. However, one control node should be available, while a corresponding control node may also exist as a backup. Any device under the control node is known as a management node.

Typically, Ansible initiates its operations by connecting to nodes like servers, clients, or any other type of configuration. Subsequently, it then directs a small program called Ansible Module to that node.

Moreover, the management node sets up an SSH connection before executing the modules and settling the product on the host terminals. Upon deployment of the modules over SSH, the software tool eliminates them.

Significantly, the automation software control nodes must have login access to the management nodes to execute the interface. Although SSH keys are a common way to access, substitute forms of authentication can also be helpful.

Use Cases of Ansible:

Ansible, which is an open-source automation tool, has diverse use cases, efficiently managing the IT landscape; below are some everyday use cases:

  1. Application Deployment: Through certainty, it ensures consistency in the setup process and reduces any error probability when deploying applications.
  2. Configuration Management: It is a solution for configuring and managing servers with a lower efficiency curve for administrators, developers, and IT managers. Therefore, it ensures reliability across a large number of machines.
  3. Infrastructure Automation: Ansible can automate IT infrastructures on primary servers, virtualization platforms, and cloud servers. In addition, it can automate the structure of numerous systems, devices, databases, storage devices, networks, and firewalls.
  4. Security and Compliance: The tool automates security policy across all machines in the network. Upon configuring the security roles, the open-source platform will be implanted automatically across all machines in the network.
  5. Provisioning: Automating the infrastructure provisioning is the initial step in the automation process. In addition, the open-source tool aids in provisioning cloud platforms, virtualized hosts, network devices, and bare-metal servers.

The Architecture of Ansible:

  • Modules: These are shorthand programs written to stipulate the preferred state of the system. Modules are part of a larger program termed Playbook. The open-source platform module is a separate script that can be used inside an Ansible Playbook.
  • Plugins: Plugins are pieces of code enriching the central functionality of Ansible. They execute on the control node.
  • Inventory: Ansible states information about the machines you manage from the inventory. Inventory listing is in the file containing the IP addresses, databases, and servers.
  • Playbook: The Playbook describes the tasks to run by stating configurations to bring a managed node into the desired state. They are files written in YAML.

Advantages of Ansible:

Ansible offers several advantages for IT infrastructure:

  1. The platform runs agentless, removing the necessity for installing and managing agents on remote systems. Therefore, it eases deployment and reduces potential security liabilities.
  2. It simplifies the learning and using process by employing YAML (Yet another markup language) for configuration.
  3. Its flexibility helps orchestrate the entire application environment irrespective of their deployment. It aids in customization as per user needs.
  4. The platform doesn’t require any special coding skills, enabling easy setup.


In conclusion, Ansible exists to offer an up-front and effective suite for configuration management and automation. Being a novice in software applications, it comes across tough competition from prominent sources. Hence, the non-availability of adequate Ansible-related documentation forms setbacks for learning this open-source tool.

Its functions can describe Ansible’s capabilities: provisioning, application, orchestration, deployment, security, and compliance. However, enhancing the tool’s benefits is possible while addressing its drawbacks. By achieving this, a promising future can be expected for the platform.