
The American National Standards Institute is a nonprofitmaking organization that manages the expansion and practices of voluntary standards and measures in the U.S. In addition, it embodies the desires and views of U.S. stakeholders in standardization global forums.

History of American National Standards Institute:

A group comprising five engineering societies and three government agencies merged to establish the ANSI in 1918 and formed the American Committee on Engineering Standards. By 1928, the committee changed its name to the American Standards Association.

In 1966, the committee reorganized and renamed the American Standards Institute, and subsequently, three years later, in 1969, assumed its current title. However, headquartered in Washington, D.C., it operates out of New York.

Understanding the Functions of ANSI:

ANSI, a non-profit organization, plays a crucial role in endorsing the quality and safety of products and services in the United States. Some of its fundamental functions include:

  • ANSI adopts standards developed by other organizations, such as industry groups and professional associations, ensuring they meet a stern set of standards of openness, balance, consensus, and due process.
  • To facilitate global trade and align U.S. standards with International Standards, ANSI performs alongside the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) & the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
  • ANSI endorses laboratories and certification entities evaluating products and services according to established standards.
  • The institution stresses the importance of standards amongst the public and private sectors to assist businesses and consumers.

Benefits of the American National Standards Institute:

ANSI delivers numerous benefits, including:

  1. The body aids in ensuring the safety of consumers and workers through its established standards.
  2. The established standards aim to enhance the quality and dependability of products and services.
  3. While preventing any faults and misuse, ANSI helps in reducing costs.
  4. The standards’ formation aims to make all the U.S. products and services further competitive in the global market.

ANSI Membership Categories:

Membership in ANSI is systematized into five categories to be suitable for almost all types of bodies:


Any corporation, partnership, or other business entity built under the United States laws participating in industrial or commercial business can acquire the membership.


While not partaking in any legal standing in the United States, any business or organization will be considered an international member. However, such businesses and organizations will have no voting rights within the ANSI.


These are the entities that can acquire ANSI membership as they are authorities, departments, and agencies under the national, state, regional, or local governments of the United States.


In this category are the local educational institutions evaluating standards or conformities.


All the non-profit scientific, technical, professional, labor, consumer, or trade organizations performing standards-related activities fall under this membership category.


During its long history, ANSI has been an essential source of standards information. Moreover, its website has an impressive and comprehensive resources section containing news, yearly reports, published articles, documents of interest, and a widespread library of speeches and presentations sections.

ANSI organizes and drives representatives to conferences, seminars, and workshops globally.