
Amazon Inspector is a security assessment service delivered by Amazon Web Services, aiding users in improving the security & compliance of their applications deployed on the AWS infrastructure.

Furthermore, Amazon Inspector practices an agent-based methodology to analyze the behavior of applications and their underlying infrastructure. Moreover, it identifies potential security issues such as common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs), insecure configurations, and deviations from best practices.

How Does Amazon Inspector Work?

Amazon Inspector automates security assessments for applications running on the AWS infrastructure. It utilizes agents deployed on EC2 instances to analyze the behavior of applications and their dependencies.

Additionally, these agents collect data on network activity, file system changes, and processes running on instances. Subsequently, Amazon Inspector assesses this data against security best practices and known vulnerabilities, identifying common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs), insecure configurations, and deviations from security best practices.

The service delivers detailed findings and prioritized recommendations, empowering users to address security vulnerabilities effectively. With automated and continuous assessments, the Inspector assists organizations in upholding a proactive approach to security, ensuring the integrity and compliance of their AWS workloads.

Benefits of Amazon Inspector:

Amazon Inspector provides numerous benefits to users pursuing to enhance the security of their AWS workloads:

  1. Automated Security Assessments: Inspector powers the process of assessing the security of applications, discharging users of manual efforts, and providing continuous monitoring for potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Agent-Based Analysis: The service utilizes lightweight agents on EC2 instances to collect data on network activity, file system changes, and processes. Therefore, it allows for a comprehensive and detailed security assessment.
  3. Vulnerability Detection: It detects common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) within applications, assisting users in prioritizing and addressing security issues that attackers could misuse.
  4. Security Best Practices: The service assesses applications against industry and AWS security best practices, providing actionable commendations to advance the overall security posture.
  5. Compliance Assessment: Users assess their applications for compliance with security standards and policies, guaranteeing adherence to regulatory requirements.
  6. Scalability: The service scales effortlessly to accommodate varying workloads and application deployments. Therefore, it ensures consistent security assessments across dynamic and growing AWS environments.


In conclusion, Amazon Inspector is a valuable AWS service that considerably contributes to the security and compliance of applications deployed on the cloud. Automating security assessments and leveraging agent-based analysis proposes a proactive approach to identifying vulnerabilities, common exposures, and adherence to security best practices.

Consequently, the service’s prioritized findings, integration with AWS services, and continuous monitoring capabilities authorize users to address critical security issues promptly.

With scalability and a user-friendly interface, the Inspector is accessible to organizations of different sizes and complexities. Embracing Amazon Inspector helps preserve a robust security posture in dynamic AWS environments, ensuring applications remain buoyant against evolving cyber threats.