
An Absolute Link contains the complete address from the protocol (HTTPS) to the domain ( and includes the location within the website in the folder system names within the URL. Furthermore, Absolute links are always unique, meaning using them helps foil the risk of duplicate content. Here’s what it looks like: “”.

It services through the following structure: scheme://server/path/resource; the scheme specifies the resource’s access method. The server defines the name of the computer on which the resource is stored, and the path determines the order of directories leading to the target.

Example for Absolute Link:

An example of an absolute URL is:

<a href =>

Pros & Cons of Absolute Link:


  • Protects the Content: For URLs with the absolute method, it’s harder for anyone to scrape information from your site directory using scraper programs. If all of your internal links are relative URLs, it would be easy for a scraper to scrape your entire website and establish it on a new domain.
  • Prevents Duplicate Content: Using absolute URLs to avoid duplicate content issues is essential. Assuming you have various versions of root domains in Google without a recognized tag that drives to the correct version of the site.
  • Improves Site Performance: An additional good thing about absolute links is that they prevent the implementation of the wrong code that could make the visitors of the site land on a 404 error page. As much as possible, you want to ensure all the links on your site are operational. Such links help provide a more extensive user experience to anyone visiting the site.
  • Assists with Crawling: Google crawlers trail the internal links on your pages to crawl deeper pages on your site. There is an inadequate number of URLs that Google crawls due to the actual cost involved in it.

If you have a million pages on your site and Google frequently comes across issues while crawling, logically, Googlebot will have to leave your site.


Typically, there’s only one disadvantage of using absolute links:

  • Complex Testing: Absolute links make it problematic to test the site. You won’t be able to duplicate your website on a staging server unless you manually re-code respective links found on your site.


In conclusion, absolute links are a fundamental aspect of web navigation and resource referencing. They provide a precise and unambiguous way to specify the exact location of a web resource, ensuring seamless access regardless of the user’s current position within the website or the broader internet.

Subsequently, by including the complete URL, the protocol, and the domain, absolute links facilitate accurate linking between pages and enable search engines to index content effectively. While they offer reliability and consistency, web developers should also exercise caution to avoid broken links and ensure proper maintenance. Overall, absolute links are crucial in enhancing user experience and optimizing web accessibility.