Data Loss in the Workplace: As the digital landscape transforms, twists, turns, and evolves, so too do the cyber-criminals who inhabit it.

A modern business owner likely has a great deal on their plate already, thanks to certain world events, without dealing with rampant cyber-crime.

To thrive, flourish, and protect their brand’s reputation, however, they have to pay attention to the prospect of data protection and handling sensitive digital information with care.

Not all data loss results from malicious intent, as sometimes, it happens completely by accident, but this is no less damaging in many ways.

Here are some tips to help you cope with data loss in the workplace.

Detecting Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration is essentially the theft of data from a network or device, with or without malicious intent. You can check out the great in-depth explanation at Proofpoint to find out more about the specifics of the topic.

Detecting data theft is essential if you ever aim to cope with the loss in the first place. However, it is worth noting that one successful breach often means your entire network is compromised, and there may even be a harmful presence left undetected.

Getting to the source of the leak is a must, as it can enlighten you and your IT experts on your investigation.

Act Quickly

Failure to act, or rather, react to cyber-security alerts can land your company in a glorious mess, one that has some immense legal ramifications, just like Target back in 2013.

Cyber security alerts should be taken seriously and addressed as soon as possible, as this can help you improve on your damage control.

If you have a company policy in place, sticking to the protocol might be your best bet moving forward.

Employee Awareness

If your employees are left in the dark regarding a data loss situation, there is every chance that it will happen again and continue to keep happening, even if this is completely accidental.

Raising awareness and letting your employees know exactly what happens to be going on with the situation is vital to your investigation.

If you do suspect foul play from an inside threat, it may be worth keeping the details fairly close to your chest in the first instance.

Contact Your Customers

Depending on where you are or where your customer is whose data was lost, you might need to notify them by law.

Failing to comply with regulations and keeping your data loss or breach a secret can be even more damaging to your reputation than the event itself, as it paints you in a suspicious and untrustworthy light.

Adopting a transparent and honest attitude as a company and a brand can help you out in this regard.

Making a Statement

Perhaps one of the most daunting yet arbitrary and somehow still impactful parts about damage control is the prospect of making a statement.

Whether this is on social media, your website, or to the press, coming up with an honest statement illustrates what you are working towards and how you are taking steps to become more secure as a company should be factors to consider.