Boost Your Online Store: Ecommerce is extremely popular all around the world. Wanting to sell items online is a healthy goal that promises more than simply financial gain. However, because eCommerce is so large, your competition will be equally as large. You’ll almost certainly be up against behemoths like Amazon. Even smaller stores can be difficult to navigate.

Being a great business person helps a lot. It helps even more when you have a professional business consultant on your side. But this falls in the category of insufficient. Your online store will never be successful if it does not appear on Google’s first page. As a result, eCommerce and using a reputable SEO agency are inextricably linked.

This post will show you how to optimize your eCommerce website for search engines. Are you looking forward to it? Let’s get started!

1. Find Keywords That Sell

Where do you begin your search for keywords? Try using the names and categories of the things you’re selling or sourcing in China. There are two requirements that your keywords must meet:

  • Potential customers will be drawn to you if you act as a magnet.
  • Allow you to have a reasonable chance of outranking your competition.

Naturally, not all keywords will be up to the challenge. Some will be too brief and ambiguous to attract the users you require (i.e. buyers). Smart SEOs use keywords that are both specific and often searched on Google to draw in a high number of visitors. Long-tail keywords are a fantastic type of keyword.

It’s time to optimize your site after you’ve compiled a list of keywords. Use keywords in the following places to improve your page’s ranking:

  • URLs
  • Title tags
  • Meta description tags
  • H1-H4 header tags
  • Image titles and ALT tags
  • Product descriptions

2. Interlink Your Store’s Pages

It’s an understatement to say that eCommerce sites contain a lot of pages. Amazon, for example, has hundreds of millions of products to choose from. As a result, internet retailers must be simple to use. Customers will seek out a more user-friendly location if this is not the case. Your site’s pages must be linked to each other in the most effective way possible to make them easy to explore and utilize.

The structure of most eCommerce sites is as follows: home page -> product category -> subcategory -> product. The “link distance” between any two pages should not exceed three clicks as a general rule.

3. Enhance Your Site With Schema Markup

No eCommerce SEO strategy can do without structured data. Why does it matter so much?

Structured data aids Google’s understanding of web page content. When a page is marked up with a schema, Google may provide more information about it in search results, which is extremely helpful to potential customers. Users click on marked-up pages far more than on conventional sites, thus we strongly advise you to learn how to use structured data.

An eCommerce site’s review schema is very crucial. It is not only important for an eCommerce store but also for any business site; even if you are one of the Las Vegas trade show booth design companies. It shows customer comments alongside search results, persuading users of your products’ quality.

4. Make Your Online Store Secure

What is the significance of online security? You’ve probably heard about Facebook’s data leaks and the drama surrounding it. Users are put in danger when their sensitive information comes into the wrong hands. In this case, the website’s stock and reputation may suffer irreparable damage.

Take online security seriously, particularly when it comes to online store SEO. Customers must feel secure when using your website; make it as secure as feasible for them. Here are some important things you can do to make your website more secure:

  • Make the switch to HTTPS. If you haven’t already done so and your site is still using HTTP, you should do so as soon as possible. Browsers display a page with the HTTP protocol as “not secure” next to the URL address bar. This happens for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is security. Users notice this and prefer to exit the page rather than risk having their personal information stolen.
  • Make use of a content distribution network. Many CDNs have safeguards in place to protect against threats such as cyber-attacks and server outages. Many, but not all of them! Choose the most secure CDN that you can afford.
  • Ensure that your plugins are up to date. If your site uses plugins, you should update them as soon as new versions are available. This is because older plugin versions are more likely to have security flaws that hackers can use to get access to your site. Of course, this does not imply that the most recent versions are without flaws. They are, however, safer because hackers may not yet be aware of their flaws.

5. Index Your Ecommerce Site’s Pages

One of the most humiliating mistakes you can make is failing to check if Google has crawled your site’s pages. They will not appear in search results if they are not in the index. Naturally, this implies that customers won’t be able to locate you online. In short, all of your hard work on your website will be for naught.

Make sure this never happens to you by creating and submitting a sitemap for your store to Google.

WebCEO’s Sitemap Generator tool is the quickest way to construct a sitemap. Follow these instructions to make one if you haven’t already. Skip to step 6 if you’ve created a sitemap but haven’t yet uploaded it.

  • Go to the Settings tab.
  • Choose to start from scratch when creating the sitemap file.
  • Start by pressing the Start button. Your site will now be scanned by the program.
  • When the tool finishes scanning, get the sitemap file.
  • The sitemap file should be uploaded to your website.
  • Return to WebCEO’s Sitemap Generator and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose to submit an existing sitemap file to search engines.
  • Fill up the URL address of your sitemap.
  • Start by pressing the Start button.


Now that search engines are aware of your site’s pages, they will display them in search results.

Final Thoughts

So you’ve made sure your site has good search engine rankings and focused visitor traffic. You’ve mastered SEO for eCommerce websites, congrats!

The next phase is to engage site visitors and convert them effectively. People will come and go if you don’t, and Google will assume your site isn’t relevant enough to the queries that got them there organically. Don’t wait for this to happen.