Creating a successful digital marketing campaign can be quite tricky, particularly if you lack the experience.

Aspiring entrepreneurs focus on increasing their sales and raising brand awareness with the intent to become financially independent. However, before that happens, they have to have a proper digital marketing strategy.

The tips in this article should come in handy for those looking to make the most out of digital marketing and improve the results.

Tip #1 – Post Customer Reviews

A potential shopper is more likely to spend their money on goods or services if somebody they know and trust has recommended it. The problem is that most businesses would not survive if they had to depend on word of mouth.

Thankfully, there is an alternative that can replace the missing recommendations. Posting detailed customer reviews will create a sense of trust for those who may be on the fence about buying your products or services.

You can implement the Opinew Shopify Reviews App in your store if it is built on the Shopify platform. If you are using a different platform, finding a plugin or an extension should not be that difficult either.

Tip #2 – Focus More on Email Marketing

Email marketing

Email marketing is not dead. You can drive plenty of traffic to the website and convert the visitors into paying customers.

When starting an email marketing campaign, keep in mind that some emails go to the spam folder. Taking advantage of a spam checker would increase the success rates because such tools redirect emails to inboxes rather than spam folders.

Start collecting an email list as soon as you open an online store. Incentivize site visitors to subscribe to your newsletter by offering discounts or free shipping to those who sign up.

Tip #3 – Emphasize SEO

Search engine optimization should be one of the cornerstones of most digital marketing campaigns. Organic traffic is worth a lot since it comes after people type keywords with buyer intent.

Keep in mind, though, that SEO requires time to take effect. Plenty of marketers struggle to grasp that and expect immediate results. A good search engine campaign takes as long as a few months, sometimes even more.

Given the complexity of the method, better you should hire a San Francisco SEO expert who has the experience and can help you with new content ideas and campaign strategies, particularly if you are busy with other aspects of the business.

Tip #4 – Build Social Media Presence

Social media - digital marketing

Social media presence should be a no-brainer, and you have probably been marketing your brand on Facebook and Instagram already. But limiting yourself to the most popular social media sites is not that good of an approach.

You should broaden your horizons and check other, less popular social media platforms. Establishing yourself as an authority early will give you an advantage.

Besides looking for new social media sites, you should also invest more in working with influencers. Particularly – micro-influencers. Instead of sticking to A-tier celebrities, look for niche personalities with fewer followers but who are cheaper and have a better overall engagement rate. You can also invest in Instagram growth services such as flock social and kicksta. But the most recommended one is Kicksta as they can help you provide real Instagram followers that could be great for branding your business and for your digital marketing strategy.

Tip #5 – Try Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click marketing may not be as popular as it once was because of social media and SEO, but you should still give it a try.

Working on a platform like Google AdWords is a good way to attract targeted website traffic. Just like the method name suggests, you pay money for each click, not an impression.

Optimizing ad copies and encouraging potential site visitors to click on them is difficult, but you can hire a professional copywriter and leave them in charge of coming up with persuading words.

PPC gives you room to test and find out which keywords and ad copies bring the best results. There are creative marketing platforms that help you make adjustments in real-time, which is great as there is no need to start a campaign from scratch when you want to try something new.

Tip #6 – Attend Live Events When Possible

Current restrictions make it difficult to organize live events, but once the pandemic is over, you should look for opportunities to attend conferences, join podcasts, talk shows, and other events where you get to meet people and talk about your business.

It is part of the raising brand awareness strategy. Letting others know about your goods or services is bound to increase sales.

Tip #7 – Improve Customer Service

Customer service

Customer services should be available 24/7. If you are incapable of providing that, consider hiring an agency that has multiple employees who can cover different shifts.

Besides having someone who can respond to customer questions and provide solutions, you should also consider creating an in-depth FAQ page. Not all customers like to interact with support, and they would rather look for answers themselves.

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