Yenievimkampanyası com – People who will benefit from financial support must not have a residence. Rural houses and timeshares will not be evaluate within the scope of this criterion. If the household (including spouse and children under the age of 18) has at least one house title deed with a share of 50 percent or more, or if the household has more than one house title deed with shares, regardless of the share ratio. The program will not be available.

And also, With this financing model, individuals can own houses in 81 provinces, including finished houses, houses completed at a certain rate and in progress. New projects that have signed a guarantee agreement with banks.

Those who want to benefit from the program must not have sold a house in the last year. The home purchased cannot be sold for 5 years. There will be a one-year residence requirement in the yenievimkampanyası com.

Every citizen of the Republic of Turkey over the age of 18 and deemed eligible for a loan by banks will be able to benefit from the campaign.

When Will Yenievimkampanyası Com Applications Start?

When Will Yenievimkampanyası Com Applications Start?

Applications will start tomorrow within the scope of the “New Housing Finance Program” announced by the Minister of Treasury and Finance Nureddin Nebati and the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Murat Kurum.

The campaign aims to enable middle-income citizens to buy their first homes in 81 provinces with a maturity structure that is much more suitable for market conditions.

However, in this context, up to 5 million lira of financing will be provided to Istanbul, 3 million lira to Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Mersin, and Muğla, and 2 million lira to other provinces.

It is aimed to provide new homes to all 100 thousand families first-hand, with a financing model that will be offered with easy payment and compatible payment options with state subsidy for the first 3 years. By household income over the loan term. The campaign will provide a maturity difference starting from 0.69 percent, a 15-year maturity. A 10 percent down payment. And also, an installment rate not exceeding 30 percent of the household income, and ease of payment for the first 3 years.

With this financing model, individuals can own houses in 81 provinces, including finished houses. Houses that have been completed to a certain extent and are under construction. New projects for which a guarantee agreement has been signed with banks.

Spouses in the household who want to benefit from the program must not own a house and must not have sold a home in the last year. The purchased house cannot be sold for 5 years. There will be a one-year residence requirement in the yenievimkampanyası com.

Interest Rate Will Vary Depending On The Financing Amount

And also, this financing model aims to provide all 100 thousand families with their new, first-hand homes in the first stage. The campaign will offer a 15-year maturity, 10 percent down payment, an installment rate not to exceed 30 percent of the household income. And ease of payment for the first 3 years.

After the support period ends, the Treasury installment contribution will be added to the installments. Withdrawn within the last 8 years of the loan term. 5 percent of the project price will be collect in advance from the housing manufacturer company as an installment contribution for the first year of the loan.

And also, the financing amount will be 0.69 for up to 2 million liras, 0.79 for 2 to 4 million liras, and 0.99 interest/dividend for 4 to 5 million liras. With a maturity of 15 years. 5 percent of the house sales price will be reflected in the payment plan as the contractor company’s contribution.  Up to the first maximum of the 3rd year.

How To Apply?

How To Apply?

Further, As part of the process that started today. Housing producers will announce housing projects that meet the criteria on their website. Those who want a house will find an apartment and apply to financial institutions.

The financial institution will check that both the project and the person comply with the criteria. It will allocate the loan for eligible projects. Individuals will be subject to solvency criteria within the framework of current banking practices.

Citizens will be able to carry out their transactions through Halkbank, VakıfBank, Ziraat Bank, Emlak Katılım, Ziraat Katılım, Vakıf Katılım.

Citizens who want to benefit from the campaign are informed on the ” yenievimkampanyası com ” website.

Details About The “My New Home With New Housing Finance Model” Campaign Were Shared With Citizens On The ” Yenievimkampanyası Com ” Website.

-It was state that citizens who want to own their first home would be given a 3-year payment facility, and they were inform that they could hold a house with a 10 percent down payment. And also, a maturity difference starting from 0.69 percent and a maturity of up to 15 years.

-From the campaign where the total income of the household is taken into account; Not having sold a house in the city where the house will be purchased in the last year, residing in Istanbul, the 1st region, and Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Mersin and Muğla. The 2nd region, in the last year, and not having a house to benefit from financial support. Condition is required.

-It is stated that houses in rural areas and timeshares will not be evaluate within the scope of this criterion. People who have at least one house title deed with 50 percent or more shares in the household (including spouse and children under the age of 18) or people who have more than one house title deed with shares in the household. Regardless of the share ratio, cannot benefit from the program.

-It was state that the house purchase with financial support cannot be sold for 5 years.

-It was stated that 5 percent of the project price would be taken in advance from the housing producer company as an installment contribution for the first year of the loan.

“With the Yeni Evim Housing Finance Program.The loan amount to buy a house is divided into 3 regions.”

However, Citizens who will own their first home with the “My New Home with the New Housing Finance Model” campaign will be able to use a maximum loan of 5 million liras in Istanbul.Which is the 1st region. While Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Mersin and Muğla, which are in the 2nd region. Will be able to use a loan of up to 5 million liras. A loan of up to 3 million lira can be used. Citizens residing in other cities in the 3rd region can use a loan of up to a maximum of 2 million lira.

“Within the scope of the campaign, citizens will be able to benefit from completed, partially completed, and new projects.”

“Within the scope of the campaign, citizens will be able to benefit from completed, partially completed, and new projects.”

  • -With the new financing model, citizens can purchase finished houses.
  • -People who want to own a house will benefit from houses completed at a specific rate if the bank finds the house completion rate suitable for lending.

-If the project owner, the housing producer. Signs a Guarantor Agreement with the bank and undertakes to build all. The houses within the scope of New Home Financing Support. And also, purchasing houses from the new project will be possible.

“Citizens Who Want To Buy A House Will Apply To Financial Institutions By Choosing The Apartment That Suits Them.”

On the ” yenievimkampanyası com” website, the house purchasing process is explain in stages. First of all, it was report that housing projects that meet the criteria of housing. Producers will be announce on the website. And also, citizens who want to buy a house will choose the apartment that suits them and apply to financial institutions.

It was start that in the following process. The financial institution will check the compliance of both the project. The person with the criteria and allocate loans for the appropriate projects. It was report that individuals will be subject to solvency criteria within the framework of current banking practices.

yenievimkampanyası com “New Home Housing Finance Program And Construction Support Program For Housing Builders”

Although, on the website yenievimkampanyası com. It was state that the loan limit. The Yeni Evim Housing Finance Program Construction Support Package for Housing Builders was determine as 25 billion lira.

And also, within the scope of the Yeni Evim Housing Finance Program. Suitable financing opportunities will be offer to housing producers to increase the housing supply. The beneficiary will need to undertake to carry out the project within the scope. The Yeni Evim Housing Finance Program and sign a Guarantor. And also, agreement with the financial institution to complete the project.


The yenievimkampanyası com, created as a result of the joint work of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance, is valid in 81 provinces. Provides broad opportunities for middle-income citizens who want to own a home for the first time. And also, with the support of the housing and finance sector and the state.