
Apache Solr is an open-source enterprise search engine, a subproject of Apache Lucene. Solr is more than a search engine, authorizing users with rich features and flexibility to tackle diverse search challenges.

In addition, it is a NoSQL database that provides transactional capabilities. It stores data in documents and has SQL querying functionality while distributing operations across nodes.

How Does Apache Solr Work?

Apache Solr is a robust open-source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene. It provides full-text indexing and search capabilities that can scale to large data sets across distributed servers. It follows a 3-step process involving indexing, querying, and ranking the results, all in near real-time.

The 3-step process:

Indexing – Solr can index documents in any format containing diverse content and vocabularies. These documents must be processed into a structured format for searching.

Querying – The search query comprises keywords, images, or other criteria indicating what the user wants. Solr analyzes the query to understand the information needed.

Results ranking – As search results can be extensive, the search engine ranks them first by relevance to surface the most applicable ones.

In addition, the search engine manages all the behind-the-scenes difficulties such as distributed indexing, query parsing, faceting, caching, and more. It provides search APIs, UIs, and customization capabilities to build search experiences into apps and websites. Solr’s features, scalability, and reliability make it a popular enterprise search solution.

History of Apache Solr:

Yonik Seely developed Solr in 2004 intending to enhance search capabilities on the company website of CNET Networks. In Jan 2006, it was prepared as an open-source project under the authority of the Apache Software Foundation. Solr 6.0, the latest version, was released in 2016 with support for implementing parallel SQL queries.

Features of Apache Solr:

Solr is an independent enterprise search server with a REST-like API. Here are the key features of Apache Solr:

  1. Superior full-text search capabilities: Powered by Lucene, Solr enables advanced matching capabilities comprising phrases, wildcards, joins, grouping, etc., across any data type
  2. Comprehensive Administration Interfaces: The platform provides a built-in responsive user interface, allowing users to perform administrative tasks, such as managing logging, adding, deleting, updating, or searching documents.
  3. Scalable and Fault Tolerant: Built on the strength of Apache Zookeeper, the search platform easily scales up and down. Solr relies heavily on automated index replication, distribution, load-balancing, failover, and recovery.
  4. Dynamic Indexing and Real-Time Updates: Benefitting from Lucene’s near real-time indexing capabilities, Solr ensures users see their content as desired.
  5. Extensible Plugin Architecture: Solr publishes extension points that make plugin index and query time plugins easy.

Use Cases of Apache Solr:

  • Enterprise Search: The open-source search engine amplifies search within websites, intranets, documentation, and knowledge cores.
  • E-commerce: In the field of e-commerce, the platform expedites the process of product discovery and personalized recommendations.
  • Media & Entertainment: Solr assists in the efficient search for music, videos, and articles.
  • Government & Education: It simplifies access to public records, research papers, and learning materials.
  • Industries and Institutions: Hiring Managers in Human Resources employ the software for scanning and analyzing various CVs to find specific keywords from piles of documents.

Moreover, financial professionals like bankers and analysts can monitor and forecast the actions of specific clients by studying their prior trends of saving or expenditures. They can then create tailored financial products or build intricate models drawing on macroeconomic ideas.

Apache Solr Challenges:

Although Solr is a widely trusted and used search platform for many enterprises, it still possesses particular challenges:

  • Where certain developers are using commercial search platforms, transforming to Solr, an open-source platform, necessitates a lot of learning and workaround. Moreover, the open-source search engine requires dedication and a general learning curve.
  • Due to underfunding and system inadequacies, companies refuse to switch to Solr, which requires at least 8 GB of RAM. As a result, running the open-source platform on traditional systems will not be possible.


In conclusion, today, with the mounting amounts of data, there is a need for the right search engine to analyze all that data at rapid speeds. Concurrently, the most potent open-source search engine is the Apache Lucene Solr search engine.

Apache Solr is the strength of any enterprise that integrates the search platform into its application. It has uses in nearly all major industries, so the possibilities are endless. However, touted as a search platform, it can also perform analytical tasks with great complexity and a user interface that’s second to none.