
AI winters are periods when funding and public interest in the artificial intelligence space drop. They happen when the commitment and potential of AI developments lack or fail to provide a return on investment, causing attention and excitement in the industry to diminish.

History of AI Winters:

The history of AI winter comprises two significant periods of reduced interest and funding in artificial intelligence. The first AI winter occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s when AI research failed to meet excessively optimistic expectations set in the 1960s and 1970s. Hence, funding declined as progress hinders.

The second AI winter emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s owing to a lack of practical applications and the beginning of more promising technologies. Improvements in deep learning and data availability have powered the resurgence of AI in the 21st century. Substantially, it leads to progress and practical applications across various industries.

Causes of AI Winters:

AI winters occur when public and private interest swings away from the technology. Investments into new AI projects are of no need for business growth, or AI’s capabilities aren’t at their best as they were expected.

  • Overhyped Expectations: Often, AI capabilities’ initial excitement and exaggeration can lead to disenchantment when these expectations are unmet.
  • Technical Limitations: Some AI projects hit technical barriers or challenges that are tougher to overcome than initially estimated.
  • Funding Cuts: When results do not emerge as quickly as expected, funding for AI research reduces.

AI Winter Timeline:

The initial days of AI overlap closely with the beginnings of computer science itself. In just a couple of decades, computers advanced from needing solid relays and vacuum tubes to depend on integrated circuits and microprocessors — creating an eager, rapidly growing interest in AI.

  • 1950: Alan Turing writes his landmark paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” situating the stage for what would grow into artificial intelligence.
  • 1956: The word “artificial intelligence” was officially coined at a Dartmouth University conference.
  • 1950s-1970s: AI becomes a recognized area of study, investment and public interest.
  • 1972: Mathematician James Lighthill publishes a contemptuous paper about the state of artificial intelligence, revealing its inadequacies.
  • 1970s-1980s: AI experiences its first winter, triggered by declining funds, interest & research.
  • Mid-1980s: New, AI-powered technology is established for corporate use, affecting mass industry adoption and a gush in funding.
  • Mid-1990s: AI faces its second winter, caused by excessively complex technology and a drip in corporate importance.
  • Mid-2000s: Improvements in areas like big data and cloud figuring. In addition to a surge in processing control resolve the issues AI experienced in the 1990s.


In conclusion, AI winters have been pivotal stages in the history of artificial intelligence, obvious by abridged interest and funding due to unmet expectations and technical challenges.

Moreover, these periods of inactivity and disappointment were crucial in emphasizing the complex nature of AI development and the dangers of overhyping its potential. However, they were tracked by remarkable resurgences, particularly in recent years, driven by breakthroughs in deep learning and neural networks.

The present AI setting is witnessing extraordinary growth, integrating AI systems into various applications and industries.

As the field progresses, learning from previous AI winters is essential, emphasizing responsible development and ethical considerations while embracing the transformative potential of AI to address real-world problems and enhance human capabilities.