
Agreed upon Procedures (AUP) is a type of arrangement where an independent auditor executes specific procedures agreed upon with the client. These procedures are planned to meet particular needs of the client’s and are tailor-made to address specific areas of concern.

Furthermore, it offers various purposes, like compliance with regulatory requirements, due diligence in mergers & acquisitions, or evaluation of internal controls. The procedures are an agreement between the auditor and the client or set by a regulatory body or industry standard.

Importance of Agreed Upon procedures:

Agreed-upon procedures (AUP) are a set of specific procedures and principles that are established and agreed upon by various stakeholders, such as auditors, clients, and relevant parties, to assess and report on specific financial, operational, or compliance aspects of an organization. The importance of agreed-upon procedures lies in several key areas:

  1. Customized Focus: AUP allows for a customized and targeted assessment of specific areas or processes within an organization, providing a deeper understanding of those areas without the need for a comprehensive audit.
  2. Efficiency: AUP can be more efficient and cost-effective compared to full-scale audits, as it concentrates on specific issues or concerns rather than the entire organization’s financial statements or operations.
  3. Flexibility: AUP is highly adaptable and can be personalized to see the unique needs and objectives of the organization, its stakeholders, or regulatory requirements.
  4. Transparency: AUP provides transparency as the procedures are agreed upon in advance, so there is no ambiguity regarding what will be assessed and reported.
  5. Focused Risk Management: AUP helps in identifying and mitigating specific risks or compliance issues that could impact an organization’s financial stability or reputation.
  6. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: AUP ensures compliance with legal or regulatory requirements, which is essential in industries where compliance is closely monitored.
  7. Decision Support: The results of AUP can inform decision-making processes, whether it involves mergers and acquisitions, investments, or other strategic moves.

Key Takeaways for AUP:

  • Its arrangements involve the auditor executing specific procedures agreed upon with the client.
  • The procedures performed are usually limited to a particular area of concern or risk.
  • The scope & objectives of the engagement are custom-made for the client’s specific needs.
  • The consequential report provides an overall opinion or assurance on the financial statements or other information.

Checklist for Agreed Upon Procedures:

Creating a checklist for these procedures is a vital step in ensuring the conducting of assessment is methodically. Moreover, in accordance with the agreed-upon criteria.

While the specific content of the checklist varies depending on the nature of the engagement and the procedures. Here’s a general checklist to consider as a starting point:

  • Verify the engagement letter, including scope, objectives, and agreed-upon procedures.
  • Collect all relevant documentation, such as financial statements, records, policies, and procedures.
  • Review and confirm the specific procedures needed to perform as agreed by relevant parties.
  • Ensure that the procedures are clear, measurable, and aligned with the engagement’s objectives.
  • Execute the agreed-upon procedures as specified, which may include substantive testing, analytical procedures, and compliance testing.
  • Verify the accuracy and completeness of the data and information.
  • Analyze the data and identify any inconsistencies or exceptions.
  • Maintain clear, organized workpapers that document the procedures performed, results, and conclusions.
  • Appropriate review of the work by a supervisor or manager to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Obtain appropriate approvals and signatures on the AUP report.
  • Summarize the findings and provide any recommendations or actions necessary on the basis of the results of the procedures.
  • Issue the final AUP report to the client or relevant parties.


In conclusion, agreed-upon procedures (AUP) provide a structure for conducting targeted assessments in the realms of finance, compliance, and operations. This approach makes certain a thorough examination of specific areas while maintaining efficiency and flexibility.

Furthermore, the making of a well-defined checklist for AUP is paramount. It guides the process from engagement initiation to reporting, upholding the accuracy, integrity, and transparency of the assessment.

Through meticulous execution of agreed-upon procedures and demanding documentation, AUP offers stakeholders valuable insights, sound decision support, and the confidence of scrutinizing the critical areas to meet the objectives of all involved parties.

Additionally, this instrument is vital for risk management, compliance, and the enhancement of operational and financial performance.