
Ad inventory is the amount of advertising space a publisher places for sale. Initially deriving from print media, it now mainly refers to internet ad space. Typically, value of Ad Inventory is from impressions or the volume of traffic that a publisher can divert towards an advertiser.

Moreover, Inventories are retailed through various channels, like straight sales between publishers and advertisers to ad exchanges & ad networks. Progressively, app dealers purchase ad inventory through advertising exchanges and transitional markets.

Importance of Ad Inventory:

For market dealers, Ad Inventory determines available space and where to convey their message to the customers. App marketers search for the best ad inventory available at a reasonable cost. Inventory comes in limited quantities so that bidding will be competitive.

Ad inventory is essential for publishers as they can sell more with sufficient space. The goal of publishers is to maximize revenue from their limited space for ads.

Calculating Ad Inventory:

There are four known ways of calculating [ad inventory]:

  1. Page impressions: An impression is where one user views one ad. Depending on the amount of impressions, publishers ask for additional money for their ad space, as marketers will have their ads in front of more viewers.
  2. Ad value: Publishers control ad value in various ways, but the common one is (page impressions (x) by the average number of ads on their pages).
  3. Fill rate: Fill rate refers to the ad space a publisher has hired vs. how much is vacant. For publishers, a higher fill rate is better than a lower fill rate as it means they’re making adequate revenue from their [ad inventory].
  4. Revenue model: With the revenue model, the marketer only pays the publisher depending on a specific action the ads have generated. For example, the number of leads generated, clicks on the ad, and sales gained from the ad.

Other factors for consideration:

  • Demographics
  • Ad space location
  • Total number of Ads

Types of Ad Inventory:

Depending on the goals & budget, there are two types of [ad inventory] to choose from:

  1. Premium advertising inventory is where the website’s most required & expensive ad space is available, like banner ads. Premium [ad inventory] is easily visible to visitors; thus, it is more valuable to marketers. With this, one can have proper app branding for many viewers.
  2. Remnant advertising inventory refers to the [ad inventory] that a publisher hasn’t been able to sell, thus offering it at a lower cost. Remnant inventory can be instrumental to marketers on a tight budget, as it allows them to have their brand out to an audience relatively cheaply.

Methods of Buying & Selling Ad Inventory:

There are a few standard methods used for buying & selling online [ad inventory], including the following:

  • Real-time bidding
  • Programmatic direct
  • Private marketplace
  • Direct sales

Key Takeaways of Ad Inventory:

  • Appropriate ad inventory management and development can generate publishers’ revenue by retailing ad space to advertisers.
  • The stability between supply (available ad space) and demand (advertisers’ interest) impacts potential pricing and revenue.
  • Ad networks assist in matching [ad inventory] with advertisers and simplify the buying and selling of ad space.


In conclusion, [ad inventory] is a dynamic component of the digital advertising ecology, instead of available space for presenting advertisements on websites, apps, and other digital platforms. Subsequently, it serves as a revenue source for publishers and a means for advertisers to reach and expand their target audiences.

Furthermore, the vigorous nature of [ad inventory], driven by factors like ad formats, pricing models, real-time bidding, and programmatic advertising, weighs a strategic approach to capitalize on monetization and user experience.

Challengingly, as the industry evolves, publishers must adapt ad-blocking and changing regulations, emphasizing the importance of responsible, relevant, and optimized ad placements to safeguard the continued success & sustainability of digital advertising.