You have spent the last two hours at your workstation doing nothing more than editing an email you sent to a friend requesting them to watch your dog while you are away.

Hey, it happens. All of a sudden, it’s Tuesday afternoon and you still haven’t done anything significant. How did the time fly by? We’ve all had weeks at work like this. Can you make it right?

The key to saving your week may lie in having a few productivity hacks on hand for just these situations. Whether you work remotely or in a shared workspace, these six tips for increasing focus and productivity might help you get back on track.

Concentrate on One Task at a Time

So you’re trying to find a source for research while writing a blog post and are having trouble. You open the tab containing your email and scan through all of your unread messages as if on auto-pilot. Like a fool, you know. After losing track of what you were doing for fifteen minutes, you switch to something totally unrelated.

Having a lot to accomplish is not problematic; multitasking is. To avoid being distracted while working on other activities, the first step is to write down what needs to be done first. There are already too many distractions, so it’s critical to clear your thoughts and work mindfully.

Although multitasking cannot be completely eliminated, you may have a far more productive week by choosing to intentionally avoid it.

Set Up a Work Schedule

Have a morning routine that serves as a guide for you. Have a morning routine that directs you to the task you know you should complete. Set your sights on anything; it need not be your most difficult task.

Though it’s common to launch a to-do list app first thing, some swear by checking their calendars and agendas. Those who spend a lot of time in meetings may find it quite beneficial to review a calendar.

The most crucial component, though, is to turn your actions into a routine, or something you do regularly. Start with something simple and fun, like turning on some music or changing the lights.

Examine your Performance Each Week

It can be challenging at first to select a few important plans for the week. Taking time to reflect on each weekend is beneficial. Was the task you completed significant and worth a whole week of hard work?

Every time anything is completed over the week, record it as progress rather than simply erasing it or checking it off.

Make it a weekly habit to check your progress list and look over each item. Could there have been a better approach? Each week, go through the routine again, take notes, and make adjustments.

You’ll eventually become rather adept at outlining your main objectives.

Communicate When Issues Arise

Not all of your plans will work out. Things stall out or take longer than expected. Avoid putting off problems you can’t tackle on your own.

Ask your management, your team members, your advisors, or anybody else for assistance.

You can utilize the weekly review process to your advantage. You must complete your work on time to pass your weekly reviews. You must document it for both yourself and others if you don’t finish them.

Don’t Overwhelm People with Information

You wouldn’t want others to bother you or take up your time. In any team, being interrupted—whether by e-mail or meetings—is a frustrating waste of time. Be considerate to others and avoid emailing, instant messaging, or scheduling more meetings whenever possible.

All things considered, by focusing on fewer but more crucial objectives and achieving them to the best of your ability, you can enjoy your everyday work far more. Ensure simplicity. Declutter. By doing less, you’ll accomplish more.

Get Rid of Any Advice That Isn’t Helpful

There are many different types of people. Nobody is able to know how similar or dissimilar they are to another individual. Every one of us has a different way of finding motivation, staying focused, feeling disheartened, and recharging.

Nevertheless, until we give them a try, we won’t be able to know what works for us. Science can help us determine what kind of productivity advice or suggestions work for the majority of people.

All in All

Every person goes through several periods during the workweek when they are able to focus and also the ones when they are unable to.

The important bit is that you are already aware of what needs to be given priority. Yet, lack of concentration and failing to consciously write down your task list at the start of the week muddies the outcomes.

Don’t forget to take breaks as well! You may begin to feel mentally exhausted and find it difficult to function effectively. Get up from your desk a minimum of once or twice per hour. Get food or drink, stretch your legs, check your social media via Charter Internet, and perhaps take a little stroll around the block.